Where the Death Occured

At home or Nursing Home

The first thing to do is to contact the deceased’s own G.P, or the doctor on call who comes out to confirm the death. Once confirmed we can bring the person into our care. The persons own doctor will issue a medical certificate confirming cause of death. If it is not the persons own doctor who confirmed death, the certificate may be issued the following day. The Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD) is used to register the death at the registration office. If cremation is wanted, let the doctor know as additional paperwork nessessary for cremation needs to be completed.

Once the doctor has certified the death, you can contact McClure’s Funeral Servivce we will come out to discuss further details and the deceased will be removed from their place of death and into our care at McClure’s Funeral Home.

At Hospital or Hospice

The doctor tending to the deceased during their illness will issue a medical certificate of cause of death (MCCD). This may be done shortly after the death or the following morning, depending on the time of death and if the doctor tending is available.

The deceased will be removed to the mortuary, where the funeral director will liase with the staff to organise the moving of the deceased to our funeral home. Contact McClure’s Funeral Service at any time after the death occurs and we will help you.    

Sudden Death

If someone dies suddenly or tragically, the coroner will become involved and the deceased will be removed from the place of death by the coroners staff to the Regional Mortuary where an examination of the deceased may be carried out to determine the cause of death. Any time after the death, contact McClure’s Funeral Service. In this situation the funeral may be delayed for a day or two to allow an examination to be carried out.

Death Abroad

If a death takes place abroad it must be registered according to the law of that country. The death should also be reported to the Consul of your country, who may be able to arrange for the death to be registered in the UK as well. Returning a body to the UK is expensive but the cost may be covered by any travel insurance taken out by the person.

Normally a funeral director will be instructed by the insurance company to bring the deceased back to Northern Ireland. We will laise with them making any necessary arrangements. If the death was not due to natural causes the coroner for the district will also need to be told and an inquest may need to take place.

Contacting the Coroner

In Northern Ireland a coroner can also arrange a post-mortem or an inquest if the family requests it. If you have concerns about the cause of death given by a doctor, you may contact the Coroners Office to discuss this with the Coroner.

Go to: Registering the Death / Go to: Arranging the Funeral